Jan 28, 2013

Layered rugs

After showing you guys why I love an oriental rug in the kitchen, let me just tell you this: I love it in the living room, too!!!! Ah!! Shocker!!:))) A nice Oriental rug can really make the room, it adds character and it unifies the space by tying the colors in that room. It can be the focal point in the room or it can bring other pieces upfront in the space by creating the perfect backdrop for them to shine onto.
What can be better than an Oriental rug in your house?? Well, layered rugs!! I think that they go well with just about any type of rug: plain, patterned, floral, striped, and any kind of hide. I love hide!! I have 3 fox hides and I'm squishing my  brain how to use them in the best way possible...
Back to layered rugs, whether it involves an Oriental or not, here are some ideas:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dupa ce v-am aratat de ce imi plac mie covoarele orientale in bucatarie, trebuie sa va mai spun un lucru: imi plac si in living!! Wow!!! Soc!! Anuntati stirile!!:)) Ha, ha!! Sa ma calmez!!
Un covor oriental se integreaza perfect in aproape orice decor, poate face o camera, care altfel ar fi simpla,  sa arate fabulos!! Adauga dimensiune si caracter spatiului, legand culorile existente deja in camera. Poate fi punctul de atractie dintr-un spatiu sau, din contra, poate oferi fundalul perfect pentru alte piese de mobilier, scotandu-le in evidenta forma sau detaliile.
Ce poate fi mai frumos decat un covor oriental in casa? Ei bine, covoare suprapuse!! Cred ca putem suprapune orice fel de covor: simplu, cu dungi, florale, geometrice, colorate, orientale sau piele de orice animal (oaie, vaca, am gasit si de taur, zebra, eu am niste piei de vulpe!!:) Inca imi storc creierii sa gasesc modalitatea perfecta de a le pune in evidenta...
Sa ne intoarcem la ale noastre, la covoarele suprapuse, fie ca includ un covor oriental sau nu! Iata cateva din imaginile mele favorite (nu doar cateva, un pic mai multe:)):

Loving this eclectic living room!!
Imi place mult lookul eclectic!

The room wouldn't have the same depth without the cow hide.
Camera nu ar mai fi atat de plina fara pielea de vaca, nu??

You can use two or three smaller rugs for a larger room and call it a day!!
Poti folosi doua sau trei covoare mai mici intr-o camera mai mare!!

A modern floral with a more taditional rug..like!!
Un covor floral cu unul mai traditional...like!!

Loving the red and green on the oriental!!
Rosul si verdele din covor sunt super!!

Bohemian look!!
Un look boem!!

If you love your oriental and want to use it for a larger space, layer it on top of a neutral!!
Daca vrei sa-ti folosesti covorul oriental intr-un spatiu mai mare, poti folosi sub covor un altul mai mare!!

I just love layering hides!!
Imi place la nebunie o piele peste un covor in culoare neutra!!

Modern look.
Look modern.

This must be a painter's den, right?! So inspiring!!
Nu va inspira aceasta camera, pare a fi a unui pictor...

Glamour- zebra over Moroccan=fab!!
Glamour: zebra peste covor marocan=fabulos!!

These are my  favourite layer options: hide+oriental
Lookul meu preferat: piele peste un covor oriental!!

Like this!!
Imi place!!

Everything here is perfect: layered rugs, fur, lighting and the view!!
O camera perfecta: covoarele, blana de pe scaune, corpul de iluminat si panorama!!

The rugs are great, but for me, the star here is the plant!!:)
Covoarele sunt superbe, dar pentru mine, starul camerei este planta!!:)

The hide here bring the room to life.
Pielea de zebra invioreaza camera.

I like this: modern+overdyed oriental!!!
Look modern +covor oriental vopsit!!

I just love layered rugs!! Do you like it or nix it? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mie imi plac covoarele suprapuse!! Voua?


Images 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 via my Houzz account, ozana81.


  1. Todas esas imagenes de alfombras son muy bellas.Si tengo que decidir me inclino por la Zebra mas oriental
    muchos cariƱos

  2. Love the layering when there is a hide involved. In my front entrance I have a black sisal with a hide on top and I love the look!

    1. I also love hides, and lately I find myself in love with Oriental rugs too!!


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!