Remember the progress we've made with the stairs? They have wood on them, and my husband finally got the time to finish them, that is he put the wood on the hand rail and the trim on the landing. Yey, hubby!! This is how the stairs look now:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Va mai aduceti aminte ce am mai facut cu scarile? Acum sunt imbracate in lemn negru abanos, iar sotul a gasit in sfarsit timp sa le termine, adica a pus mana curenta si plinta. Uraaa!! Asa arata scarile acum:
The idea is that even with the beautiful dark stained wood on them, these stairs are too plain, there is no twist to them. So, the plan is to paint the stair risers in order to add some personality. Here are the examples I found:
Ideea e ca spatiul acesta, chiar cu lemnul abanos care ma incanta, arata cam simplu, iar eu il vreau cu personalitate. Deci, planul este sa vopsesc contratreptele pentru un plus de farmec. Iata cateva din exemplele care le-am gasit:
This is actually wallpaper, but for me, I think paint will work better.
Acesta este tapet, arata frumos, dar eu voi folosi vopsea.
Fun and colorful, I think these are tiles glued on the risers.
Contratrepte vesele, cred ca sunt placi de faianta.
Light wood stairs with black painted risers- nice!
Trepte din lemn de culoare mai deschisa cu contratreptele vopsite in negru- frumos!
Again black painted risers, I won't do this because I personally like a bit of contrast.
Iarasi o poza cu contratreptele vopsite in negru, eu nu voi folosi negru pentru ca imi doresc un contrast.
Well, my options are ...... Benjamin Moore's Mystical blue:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ei bine, optiunile sunt ....... Mystical Blue de la Benjamin Moore:
I think it would look great with our dark stain wood.
Cred ca ar arata superb cu scarile de culoarea abanosului.
Another option would be...Gold:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Urmatoarea optiune este aceasta.... Auriu:
I realize that the last picture is a special finish, but I'm confident I could get this's great!!
For that big wall above the landing I'd love to have real decorative stones, something of a warm white. But I don't think it will happen due to budget issues, so, I think I'll choose a wallpaper. This one:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imi dau seama ca ultima imagine contine un look mai special, ceva care se aplica cu un burete, cred, dar am incredere ca ma voi descurca!!:)
Iar pentru peretele acela imens de la scara, m-am gandit sa pun un fototapet, initial as fi dorit o piatra decorativa, ceva de culoarea alb-unt, dar bugetul nu ne permite, asa ca fototapetul care imi place este urmatorul:
I think that if I choose Mystical blue for the stair risers it'll look better with this wallpaper. What do you think about my plans? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cred ca daca aleg Mystical Blue pentru contratrepte va arata foarte bine, nu? Voua cum vi se par planurile mele? Va plac?
Are you planning to order Benjamin Moore paints? 'Coz if better than what I can find on Romanian markets I could wait with my chairs and order together? Or should I not complicate things and buy that Savana instead?
ReplyDeleteps: turquoise and ciclam (what's the English for it?) is out of the question for my chairs? :D
Avem Benjamin Moore in Romania. Aici:
Poti trimite mail si iti vor spune preturile. Iti va trebui vopsea pentru lemn. Partea proasta e ca sunt foarte scumpe. Eu am intrebat de vopsea metalica si mi-au dat pret 350 ron pentru o cutie de 750 ml... Eu zic sa folosesti ceva mai ieftin pentru scaunele de bucatarie.. Acuma daca ai bani, go for it, they are supposed to be the best!!
Planul meu este sa comand macar cea metalica, insa mai vad pana actually comand:))
Ciclam= fuchsia I think...
Ar merge super cu ciclam dar la bucataria ta care are cires cred ca ar merge mai bine rosu sau un rosu-corai... Si totusi parca merge si ciclam... nu stiu, it's up to you!:)
Si daca urmeaza sa ma intrebi ce as face eu, as raspunde: unul turcoaz, doua albe si unul rosu-corai...
pe mine ma tenteaza MAXIM 2 turcoaz si 2 ciclam. dar mai vedem. rosu-corai nu e culoarea somonului? 2 turcoaz si 2 somon... ti-am trimis pe mail cum sunt scaunele am de 2 feluri, as in e-mail. sa iau diferite sau la fel??
ReplyDeleteRosu corai este un rosu cu o tenta de portocaliu. Nu somon, ala e pinkish deschis.
ReplyDeleteFa ciclam!! Just do it!!:))Have guts!
Scaune diferite would be nice..
I can't wait to see the stairs after you've work some magic in there.
ReplyDeleteLove your inspirations, they are lovely.
Thank you, Ann, for your kind comment and I'm glad you stopped by!!
DeleteThose are all great inspiration photos! What about a carpet tread, in a zebra print. Or if you are up to it paint zebra stripes on the risers, that would be great contrast!
Oh, Dawna, you truly are inspirational!! I wouldn't use the carped , but zebra is kinda calling my name!!:))