Mar 6, 2013

Kitchen choices

Morning, lovers!!

Decisions, decisions!! Kitchen decisions, to be more accurate!! 
I want a mostly white kitchen... I've known I'd choose this colour from the moment we decided to build a house... And now , that we are close to moving in I see all-white rooms everywhere!! I'll stick to my white kitchen, but have a few choices. 
I am just wondering, which one do you, lovers, like best??
Here are the options:

All-white, with black countertop, imagine it, it's not coloured here!!
Under the design there's the color of the wall and floor tiles...
Not quite as they are in real life, though...

Again, all-white, view from the living-room.

Black and white.

Black and white, less black.

Black and white and wood.
Those four cabinets there painted a mustardy colour represent a light coloured Scandinavian-like wood, imagine it...

Which one is your favourite?? I'm so curious!!


All images are designed by Tia colors.


  1. E foarte frumos, luminos, dar eu una, n as alege nicio varianta...cand ma gandesc cat o sa ai de spalat mai incolo :)

  2. Va fi lucioasa? Iti dai seama cum se vor vedea amprentele degetelelor dragi pe acel negru?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. :)))))
      Da, Iulia, va fi lucioasa!! Ca sa fiu mai exacta, va fi ca sticla de lucioasa, deci o voi sterge cu solutie de geamuri!! Mie mi se pare rather easy, mai ales ca eu sunt calita, am masa de sticla in bucatarie de 6 ani... Dupa ce mancam arata dezastruos, ca nici nu folosesc fata de masa, doar plate coasters de-alea pentru farfurii!! Dar dupa ce o folosim o sterg cu solutie de geamuri si arata impecabil! Iar de fiecare data cand trec pe langa ea o ador... Si mi se pare si foarte simplu...
      Si, ultimately, amprente dragi= urme dragi!!
      M-or ajuta si fetele ca de-aia am facut fete, nu?:))))


  3. all-white, of course :) (all-white due to the given choices. I'd go for white and some fresh color if I were to choose; but does not match the living room...)
    for the love of God, think about practical issues like cleaning the black countertop.

  4. Black countertop is easiest to clean...just think how many times you clean the countertop per day. It's the most cleaned part of the kitchen, so it doesn't matter that it's black or pink!!
    So you'd choose all-white?? Interesting... It wasn't my choice...

  5. of course it wasn't your choice :) couldn' expect else of you :))) I rather wonder you chose any white :D:D:D:D:D ok, so the countertop is always clean, but why on Earth would you choose to complicate your life instead of making it easier ... that's beyond me.

  6. din punctul meu de vedere sa faci asa cum iti doresti tu Asculta parerea tuturor dar in final mergi spre optiunea ta In primul si ultimul rand daca renunti la optinea ta iti va parea vesnic rau si oricum negru si alb ti-a placut mai mereu.Spatiul se poate invesseli cu flori multe multe viu colorate puse peste tot si inauntru si afara va fii o casa super...

  7. Ozana, I have to say all white is the best choice, as I have all white and would never want anything else! May I also suggest taking your cabinets all to the ceiling as that will make the kitchen seem larger as well as giving you more storage and less dust collecting on top of the cabinets! I have done this in my last two kitchens and it makes all the difference!! Good luck!

  8. Opt for a fluid look - all cabinets the same color. If you like the idea of having a focal point in the mix, use glass doors for one of the cabinets and use it as a display.

    Black or white counter top - either are wonderful - and given the fact that you are diligent in your effort to keep clean, don't rule out the black based upon someone else's experience. If you choose the black, be certain to repeat the use of black elsewhere in the configuration - perhaps via appliances or stools, etc.

    The placement of your cabinets is quite good. Taking them to ceiling makes the room look higher, not specifically 'bigger'. There is a distinct difference. Their placement as portrayed in your drawings permits them to look long and fluid - a very clean look to the eye. Be certain not to clutter the tops of the cabinets with anything or that fluid look will instantly evaporate!

    You have a nice plan here - trust yourself. You're doing well with this.

    1. Thank you, Studio One Design! You really make sense here!!
      The countertop needs to be black as the sink is composite black, and the range is also black, so black counterop it is!!
      The upper cabinets I think are staying the same, I also like some space above, even though the dust is a problem..They seem more clutter-free this way...
      The appliances also are black ans steel, so we have black in the mix...
      Thank you for all this great advice!!

  9. Oh, my, that is really hard...
    Both of you already said all-white...
    Thanx, Myrna, for the advice... When you say you wouldn't want everything else but all-white, it really makes me think!!
    And now I find out that the people designing the kitchen leave me room to decide until tomorrow... oh my!! Decisions, decisions!!
    Thank you all guys, for helping me, as hubby said, and I quote: "I don't know... Choose what you want..." No help there...
    So thank you all for your help!!


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!