Jan 17, 2013

Thursday House@heart Tour

Hello, people!!
It's time for the next part of the tour!! Today we stick to the first floor and we talk storage under the stairs. I had a true revelation when I found some photos over at Houzz. It was a nobrainer to decide to do that with the space under the stairs. Take a look at my space:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Buna, oameni!!
Astazi e joi, deci continuam turul casei HH! Ramanem tot la parter si vorbim despre spatiul de sub scara. Nu aveam nici un plan stabilit pentru acest spatiu, pana nu am gasit niste poze foarte interesante pe Houzz!! Asa ca m-am hotarat imediat sa le folosesc!! Spatiul de sub scara este oricum un punct mort, mai ales daca nu exista o fereastra, asa ca imediat ce am gasit ideea aceasta am stiut ca o s-o folosesc!! Iata cu ce spatiu voi lucra:

These photos are old, now we've upgraded the stairs, but there are a few things to be done until I can show you, so, only these photos for now:))
The space under the stairs is not so big but I plan to have 2 or three sides, something like some giant drawers,  highest part I want to be be for coats, with hangers, then the lower one for shoe storage I think!! Something like this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pozele astea sunt mai vechi, in prezent arata altfel, am pus lemnul, dar inca nu sunt gata, asa ca va trebui sa mai asteptati pana vi le arat!:)
Spatiul de sub scara nu este mare, dar e indeajuns ca sa-l pot folosi pentru un dulap cu umerase si un altul pentru pantofi. Cam asa:

This is awesome idea, right?!!
O idee grozava, nu-i asa?

Great mirrors!! 
Oglinzile sunt minunate!!

All those drawer... a dream!!
Toate aceste sertare... un vis!!

How cool is this? Fridge under the stairs!!
Ce super!! Frigiderul incorporat sub scari!!

Great organization!!
Ca sa fim organizati!!:)

Ha!! Bike place!!
Suuuuper!! Bicicleta sub scari!!

So, would you like to have this? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Va place ideea? Ati folosi-o??


All images via my Houzz account: ozana81.


  1. I love your idea to put some storage under the stairs. So many great ideas here it must have been hard to choose what exactly you wanted. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Under the stairs is usually such a wasted space, I have a friend who did this under her stairs and I just loved the idea so I completely agree with you, cant wait to see it all done Ozana!!

    1. Yes, this idea is genius, I was so lucky to find these images via Houzz!! I've had ideas for each place in my house except for under the stairs!! Lucky I found them!!

  3. Ozana if I writte in Español my Comment you understand???

    1. Claro, Angelica, entiendo todo si escrives en Espanol!! No escrivo yo todo correctamente, pero.. devras ser indulgente con migo!!:))

  4. Perfect solution!I love the one that has the fridge housed in the stairs, such a great idea for mostly wasted space. Can't wait to see what it looks like!

  5. Entonces estamos bien .porque yo entiendo en Ingles pero me es dificil escribir. Bueno ahora si puedo hacerte feliz comentarios


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!