Have you started the week well? I am very lazy these days, I could sleep through the day and night and not even know it, but I can't because the kids need to be fed and taken from school, right?!
Tuesday seems a good day to talk to you about two interior decorators and architects, Archinteriors. These two young women, Monica Corduneanu and Paula-Maria Duta started their own company with the desire to offer their clients a new and improved vision of their space. Let's take a look at their work:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ati inceput saptamana in forta? Eu nu, chiar deloc, sunt foarte lenesa zilele astea, as dormi non-stop, dar nu se poate, cu doua fete care depind de mine...
Azi e marti si pare o zi potrivita sa va vorbesc despre doua tinere arhitecte care si-au infiintat propria firma de design interior, Archinteriors. Monica Corduneanu si Paula-Maria Duta sunt doua tinere arhitecte care isi doresc sa ofere clientilor o viziune noua si imbunatatita asupra spatiilor din casa. Hai sa vedem cateva din interioarele create de ele:
I like this living room because it's tonic, right? The green bring the place to life!!
Imi place livingul, culorile sunt tonice!!
Storage and preetyness!!
Organizare si frumos!!
How clever is that: paint different squares on the wall !!
Inteligent: patrate colorate pe perete!!
The kitchen continues with the green and uses white to make the space crisp and fresh!
In bucatarie regasim acelasi verde tonic, in combinatie cu alb.
Astfel, spatiul pare curat si proaspat!
Love the backsplash!!
Faianta e super!!
The bathroon continues with the earth tones.
I like the accent wall, adds a bit of fun.
In baie regasim tonuri din natura.
Imi place peretele cu patratele mici, adauga veselie spatiului.
A fun and colored boy's room.
O camera de baiat colorata si vesela.
Love the mural in the girly room!!
Imi place pictura de pe perete!!
I love this piggy, it's only one of their prototypes, though...
Bummer, it would have looked great in my house!!
Iat un prorcusor dragut, suport de reviste!!
Este doar un prototip, insa...
Pacat, l-as fi luat, ar fi aratat atat de fain la mine in casa, chiar e super, nu??
Another prototype, a storage muffin, how great is this???
Alt prototip, o briosa pentru depozitarea jucariilor. nu e super??
I really liked their interiors, they are innovative, clean and fun. What do you say? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mi-au placut interioarele create de aceste doua tinere, sunt inovative, curate si vesele. Voi ce spuneti? Va plac??
To see more of their work, go here.
Ozana que linda casa llena de color . Veo que te gusta mucho el verde es un color muy lindo muhhhh pero no se si facil de combinar
ReplyDeletemuchos cariños
Si, me gusta el verde, pero no lo voy a usar asi en mi casa! Estos interiores son realisados por una empresa llamada Archinteriors y yo se los presente a todos:)