About me

Hello, you!!
I am Ozana Ilina, a 36 mother of two, living in Romania, Ramnicu Valcea. The reason I started this blog is pretty simple: I love decor. I've begun looking at inspirational photos of room decor about 4 or 5 years ago, when we laid the foundation for our house. Since then, I've fallen in love with everything that translates as home decor. Here, in  House@heart, I talk about what makes me happy, what lightens up my day and about my plans in decorating our future house.
White and black with a side of color pop, state of the art modern with a touch of vintage, intricate patterns, gold are just a few of the styles that are just ... me!!


Scopul acestui blog este, in primul rand , sa adun toate acele lucruri care ma inspira sub un singur acoperis: House@heart !! Imi gasesc inspiratia in imagini, culori, stari si, de ce nu, in viata de zi cu zi, pe care o traiesc alaturi de familia mea: sotul si cele doua fete cucuiete: Katia si Sophia.
In al doilea rand, creez tot felul de obiecte pe care le voi folosi in decorarea viitoarei noastre case! Consider ca un obiect la care muncesti, pe care iti doresti sa-l faci intr-un anumit fel, va iesi din mainile tale impregnat cu toata pasiunea si sufletul tau!! Si cu asta doresc eu sa-mi umplu casa: cu suflet si personalitate!

Proiectele mele le gasiti la sectiunea DIY Projects.

Follow me: Pinterest: ozanaatheart
                  Instagram: ozanaatheart


  1. I think the fact you express yourself through the ART of decor is absolutely amazing!There a few people who are keen on decor and stuff like this, I think you are unique,indeed.Keep working and try to put your soul in what you do.

    1. Thank you, you are so kind to say this!! I try to do things I love in the fashion I love to do it, because in your house this us what you have to do: fill it with items you love and speak to you!!
      Great to have you and thank you for the comment!!

  2. My daughter Loves the pink and aqua pillow. Do you have the name so I can get material?


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