Feb 21, 2013

Thursday House@heart Tour

Hello, lovelies!!
Well, I guess this is the last post on the HH house tour, as I'm running out of rooms to show you. Today I'll show you (again) the girls' room, and there's the guest bedroom which is just a small room, empty and sad at this point, so I guess you'll see it when it's all decorated:))
So here is the girls' bedroom:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ei bine, asta cred ca e ultima postare din cadrul turului casei HH, pentru ca s-au cam terminat camerele:)) Astazi va arat, din nou, camera fetelor, astfel mai ramane doar camera de oaspeti care e o camera mica si trista, deocamdata si pentru care voi folosi canapeaua, covorul si unitatea media de la apartament. Nimic interesant!!:)
Iata dormitorul fetelor:

Diy headboard here
Painted chairs here and here
Cum sa faci o tablie de pat tapitata- aici
Scaune vopsite- aici si aici

Ok, so you've seen these pictures already, that is why here is a picture you haven't seen yet, the upstairs hallway:
Ok, stiu, ati mai vazut camera fetelor, asa ca va mai arat ceva ce nu v-am aratat pana acum, adica holul de la etaj:

Not impressive, right?! Ignore the cartboard!!
Neinteresant, asa-i? Ignorati cartoanele!!

For this hall I'm planning a big mirror on that front wall and some wall art, maybe many mixed frames photos and paintings for the wall on the left.. And, of course, an interesting runner and some lighting... Remains to be decided!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pe peretele din fata voi pune o oglinda mare si pe cel din stanga voi face un colaj de poze si picturi in rame diferite. Si, bineinteles, o traversa interesanta si o aplica.. Vom mai vedea!!

This is the view from the stairs, on the left we'll have a storage unit for linen, a big potted plant and maybe a mirror above.. So this is the upstairs hall..
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In stanga vom pune un dulap sau o comada mai mare pentru prosoape si lenjerii, o planta mare in ghiveci, ceva cu frunze mari si poate o oglinda deasupra.. Cam acesta e holul de la etaj..


All images are propery of houseatheart.blogspot.ro


  1. I love the view in the girls' rooms. And the chairs are absolutely fabulous. I still don't seem to understand how you could manage to paint that degrade...


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!