Jan 16, 2013

Classical kitchen

Hello, darlings!!
Just a couple of  months before the end of 2012, a good friend of mine bought an apartment for her son, who needed a place to stay while going to college. The apartment has three rooms, and is situated in the capital, Bucharest.  She was responsable for all the decisions from the beginning to the end. It was a very challenging time for her, and I am glad to say she did a great job in the end. There were a few setbacks, constructors are very difficult nowadays, the fact that the neighbours were difficult didn't help a bit, but in the end, just before Christmas, she managed to almost finish the apartment and make it good to live in. There are a few rugs missing, but walking on wood never hurt any young man, right?!:)
Here are a few pictures of the kitchen, I think it suits a young man well, don't you?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acum doua luni cu aproximatie o buna prietena a cumparat un apartament pentru fiul ei care e la facultate. S-a ocupat singura de renovarea lui si nu a fost usor. Este un apartament cu trei camere, in Bucuresti. Afost o perioada destul de stresanta pentru prietena mea, sa ai atatea decizii de facut e dificil, mai ales cand nu ai mai facut asta pana acum. Dar s-a descurcat admirabil pana la sfarsit  si, desi eu nu am participat decat cu sfaturi sunt de parere ca apartamentul arata foarte bine, mai ales pentru un tanar de 22 de ani care e in anul intai la facultate!! Astfel, cu cateva zile inainte de Craciun, apartamentul a fost terminat atat renovarea cat si decorarea. Mai lipsesc cateva covoare, dar un tanar pus pe distractie, pardon, pe invatat:) cred ca rezista o luna fara covoare!:)
Iata cateva poze cu bucataria, o combinatie de wenge cu crem, cred i ca potriveste unui tanar de 22 de ani, nu?!

I particularly like the appliances, she chose to go vintage with the stove and hood.
Also I like the beige countertop and the backsplash adds dimension and character to the space.
Imi plac mult electrocasnicele, prietena mea a ales cuptor, plita si hota vintage, cred ca arata foarte bine!
Imi place mult si blatul deschis la culoare si modelul discret al faiantei care adauga dimensiune bucatariei.

The kitchen is rather small, but placing the table near the wall is a big help. There are extra chairs to be added when the guests arrive, and the table can be set in the middle.
Also, you can see that she mixed her metals by choosing a silver fridge.
Bucatarie e destul de mica, astfel ca masa lipita de perete e o alegere buna. Exista scaune in plus care se pot folosi cand vin musafirii, cu masa in mijloc.
De asemenea, imi place mixul de metale, cuptorul are manerul auriu, iar frigiderul e argintiu.

The kitchen cabinets follow the walls, which allows great use of the small space.
Mobila e facuta pe comanda, urmand linia peretilor. Astfel se optimizeaza folosirea spatiului.

I also love the open storage cabinets, this really keeps the kitchen from feeling too busy.
Notice the faucet? Killer!! 2013 trend-brass!! L O V E!!
Ador etajerele deschise care confera un aer deschis bucatariei.
Va place bateria aurie?? Eu o ador!! Trendul 2013: auriul metalic!!

My friend promissed me she'd take me for a tour and then I'll show you the rest of the apartment!! So stay tuned!! What do you think? Do share!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mi-am pus prietena sa jure ca-mi va face turul apartamentului, asa ca va voi arata si restul camerelor!! Doar rabdare sa aveti!:) Ce parere aveti de bucatarie?


Kitchen cabinets from Mobexpert.


  1. could you have the table measured for me, please? width, length and height. but not in weeks, rather by tonight? I'm sure there must be a way if you really put your mind to it. And also ask this: would 6 persons eat comfortably at it? It seems to me by looking at the picture that they would.

  2. 80x120 cm as in the photo and 164x76 cm when extended. I think it holds 6 people when extended. When unextended I don't think they'd fit, plus 80 cm is not very wide, plates and a platter in the middle, plus glasses and all that is needed for a nice meal... I think it fits 6 when you extend it...

  3. Well, I don't have that much space. At 150 cm length (in extension) is too much for my space. 85 cm width is a little bit to wide.... I thought perhaps 90/80 unextended and 140/80 extended. That would be something that can fit and only on one head of a table is it possible for someone to sit, the other would be near a wall.
    But I shall see. Perhaps I can do 85 in width, but certainly not more than 150 in extension in length, and that's quite uneasy ...

  4. Try these:
    I like Candy best.

  5. the only problem is that mine IS to be the color of the kitchen furniture (same as yours). and therefore it needs to be custom made. 'of cors I had seen Candy already :)

  6. candy e chiar superbă dacă aveau cireş o cumpăram. şi preţul e foarte bun :)

  7. Poftim cires:

  8. du-te mă de-aici :)) cum ai găsit-o :D Auzi, da' se potriveşte? Ăsta e un lemn mai fin decât e palul din mobilă....
    on the other hand, masa cam are ceva pe ea mereu un table runner sau ceva.
    seriously now că mă duc s-o cumpăr :D

  9. Is more difficult explain me great use Of the small space . Muhhh my english ..,i love storage cabinet . Dear friend what other language you speak????

  10. puedo escribir en espanol pero con errores. vamos a ver si me entiendes?!

  11. Si te entiendo. But my question What other language you write in your post???

    1. Oh, escrivo en Rumeno (Romanian). Yo vivo en Romania, y creo que es normal escribir en mi idioma materna para mis lectores de mi pais.
      Hope You understand me!!:)


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!