Jan 15, 2013


Feeling a litlle playful today, not that I have any reason in particular, or that the weather is good.... It's dark and actually rained a bit today, instead of snowing, but, hey, what can I do?! Maybe you noticed, I finally succeeded in adding the "Pin it" button on every photo on the blog, therefore I'm so happy!! I found a post on Eileen's blog, A Creative Day, redirecting those interested here and, my initial thought was " This is for sure out of my league!!" But I really wanted to have that small button, that I gave it a shot. Just for your information, I am a true beginner in blogger and the the blogosphere, so I was sure I was going to screw up my blog, but I got lucky and it turmes out it is quite simple!!! So, yeeeey!!! Now my blog is full of those small red buttons and I'm happy!!
I edited my Diy projects I did just for the fun of doing it. Here they are:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Astazi m-am trezit binedispusa, asa ca m-am apucat de editat poze.. Pe telefon, desigur, ca-l pot lua cu mine oriunde in casa, si la bucatarie, si la baie!! Nu as avea motive sa fiu prea jucausa, pentru ca vremea afara e urata, a plouat in loc sa ninga, e si frig.. Cred ca unul din motive e faptul ca am reusit sa pun butonul de "Pin it" la fiecare poza de pe blog!! Eu folosesc Pinterest si de aceea pentru mine e important sa am acces la aceasta retea cat mai usor. Si pentru cititori cred ca e la fel. Am reusit datorita postarii lui Eileen, de la "A Creative Day", care a impartit cu cititorii ei un  tutorial foarte usor, dandu-mi  posibilitatea pana si mie, care sunt foooooarte incepatoare intr-ale blogului sa adaug singura butonelul acela care ma face pe mine foarte fericita!!:)) Asa ca: Uraaaaa!!!!! Blogul meu e plin de butonase rosii!!
Iata ce a iesit dupa ce m-am jucat in PicsArt:

Hope you liked it as much as I did!!:))
I can't end this post without thanking Eileen for sharing her knowledge with us!! So, thanks, Eileen!!
Do you think it's helpful like I do? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sper ca va place la fel de mult ca mie!:)
Nu pot incheia postarea de azi fara sa-i multumesc lui Eileen de la A Creative Day pentru ca impartit cu noi acest tutorial!!! Asa ca, multumesc, Eileen !!

All images are property of  House@heart.


  1. Ozanaour you have done a lot of work. My I like everything and specially this chair in color pink degrades

  2. I love how the chair turned out, too!! And the girls are happy with it also!!:))

  3. I love the gold sprayed head, so beautiful!


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!