Jan 14, 2013

Pantone dictates: Emerald in music!!!

Hi, you kids!!
Feeling so good right now, it's been a while since I've listened to music so LOUD!! It makes me soo happyyyy!! And it gives Mr. HH a headache!!:)) Well, win some, lose some, right?!:))
Loving Rihanna's "Diamonds" and Alicia Keys' "Girl on fire" and I couldn't help noticing that there is a lot of emerald in the videos. Remember my post on Pantone? Pantone says, artists do, right?! Well, no objections here, I love emerald and green and teal and aqua, so here are a few snapshots from "Diamonds":
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ma simt bine astazi, poate pentru ca de mult nu am mai ascultat muzica tare, asa cum faceam cand nu aveam copii si dadeam la maxim casetofonul sau calculatorul si faceam curatenie o zi intreaga in casa !! Am gasit doua melodii care imi plac foarte mult si, dupa ce s-a trezit a mica le-am ascultat de vreo 5 ori fiecare!! De aceea sunt binedispusa!! Pe sot l-a apucat durerea de cap de la muzica mea!:))
Rihanna "Diamonds" si Alicia Keys "Girl on fire" sunt preferatele mele. Si ce credeti ca am descoperit?! Va mai aduceti aminte de postarea mea despre Pantone? Iata ca si muzicienii asculta de Pantone, astfel ca am gasit verde smarald in cele doua videoclipuri!! Si spune bine Pantone asta, ca mie imi place si smaraldul culoarea si piatra:)), imi place si turcoaz si bleu... Asa ca din partea mea, numai de bine despre Pantone!!:)
Iata cateva imagini care atesta faptul ca Pantone-i seful in materie de culori:

I don't like her nails, but the colours on the tattoo are so cool!!
Groaznice unghii, dar culorile tatuajului sunt dementiale!!

Emerald and aqua, black and white, see why I love it?!
Smarald, bleu, alb si negru, vedeti de ce-mi place?:)

Inspiring, right?
Nu va inspira sa... zburati?

Aqua here creates a great background for the different shades of emerald in the tatoo.
Bleu-ul apei alcatuieste un fundal perfect pentru nuantele de smarald din tatuaj, nu?

Favourite lyrics:
Versurile mele  preferate:

"...I chose to be happy
You and I, you and I are like diamonds in the sky..."

Check out "Diamonds":


Alicia Keys' video sports true emerald and, altogether is a powerfully coloured video. And the lyrics, music, together with the clip makes it one of my faves.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Videoclipul Aliciei Keys are adevarate nuante de smarald si este intr-adevar un clip foarte saturat in ceea ce priveste culorile. Impreuna cu versurile, muzica, acest videoclip e unul dintre preferatele mele. Imi creeaza o stare de bine.

LOVE this shot!! The emerald, the orange in the flower, the neon, her skin, everything!!
Genial!! Imi place smaraldul, portocaliul din floare, verdele neon, pielea ei, totul!!

Great!! Pantone should be proud!:)
Pantone e mandru acum!:)

That wallpaper works as the perfect background for her emerald dress!
Tapetul burgund este fundalul perfect pentru rochia Aliciei!

Strike a pose!!
Faina poza!!

Love the setting here, the sofa, the armchair, the  pink wall and the blue vintage doors!! 
Imi place la nebunie decorul aici: canapeaua, fotoliul, peretele roz aprins, usile vintage de culoarea turcoazului!!

My fave lyrics:
Versurile mele preferate:

"Looks like a girl but she's a flame
So bright she can burn your eyes 
Better look the other way!!"

Check out her video:


So, Pantone says it right!!
What are you listening to these days?
Are dreptate Pantone!!
Voi ce muzica ascultati zilele astea?



  1. My dear friend I love esmerald and green color is the color pantone 2013. And Alicia Keys video is a powerfully color viedo

  2. I love emerald too!! Kisses, Angelica!


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!