Jan 10, 2013

Thursday House@heart Tour

Hi, there!!
Today we continue the HH tour, only I won't talk about my new house, but about my old house. My childhood house, in my hometown, Caransebes. The place I grew up in, a four-room apartament, on the second floor. I want to show you my parents' dining room, as it seems to me very classy, stylish and put together, especially for almost 30 years ago!
They bought the furniture from Timisoara and my mother remembers paying for the furniture more than half a car's price. They also added a nice rug  and velvet drapery, and this room was for me when I was young like going into another world, because they had so many books and I was so proud because my parents had told me once they had read each and every book there. And there are a lot of books!!:) Each book contains my father's signature, and he had a very complicated but steady signature I always tried to copy!:)))
Enough with the rambling, let me show you some photos:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Astazi continuam turul casei HH, insa nu va voi prezenta noua mea casa, ci vechiul meu apartament in Caransebes, acolo unde am crescut si am copilarit; un apartament cu patru camere, doua bai si doua balcoane, iar din acestea va voi povesti azi despre cea mai frumoasa si aranjata camera, sufrageria! Mi s-a parut intodeauna o camera clasica si foarte sofisticata, mai ales ca a fost facuta acum 30 de ani, de catre parintii mei!!
Si-au cumparat mobila din Timisoara si cand am intrebat-o pe mama cat a costat, mi-a raspuns ca a costat 4000 de lei, in conditiile in care o Dacie era 7000 de lei. Consider ca au facut o investitie buna, mai ales ca eu, acum, dupa 30 de ani, iau de acolo doua fotolii si o masuta de cafea si sunt foarte multumita! Deci au reusit sa creeze un interior care sa se potriveasca tendintelor si dupa 30 de ani!! Asa ca "Bravo"!!
Cu un covor interesant si draperii grele din catifea verde inchis, aceasta camera era pentru mine o alta lume, nu aveam voie sa ne jucam acolo, era camera destinata Craciunului, Pastelui si petrecerilor cu invitati, acolo puneam si punem inca masa pentru ocazii speciale.
Un perete intreg adaposteste biblioteca, plina pana la refuz cu carti, colectii si serii cumparate de parintii mei, toate contin semnatura tatalui meu, era un obicei al lui sa se semneze pe fiecare carte cumparata si sa noteze data achizitiei. Toata copilaria am incercat sa-i copiez semnatura, avea o semnatura complicata si impunatoare, pana la urma am reusit sa o fac!:)) Mama mi-a spus o data ca au citit amandoi toate cartile din biblioteca, am ramas masca atunci, pentru ca sunt foarte multe!! 
Gata cu povestile, iata pozele:

This is the massive library, it holds all those books, and some antlers above it, as my father was a passionate hunter.
Aceasta e biblioteca, impunatoare si plina cu carti, cu coarne deasupra, pentru ca tatal meu a fost un pasionat vanator!

I love the details on the furniture and the dark rich colour.
Imi plac mult detaliile si coloarea mobilei.

The other pieces in the dining room are not from the same line, but my parents found similar furniture and it works great!
Celelate piese nu sunt din aceeasi colectie cu biblioteca, dar sunt asemanatoare si se potrivesc perfect!

I am in love with the hardware!!
Feroneria e dementiala!!

As I told you, my father was a hunter, so when cleaning the house before Christmas, my mom took out the fox skins we have to get some air!:)) I took a picture!:)
V-am spus, tata era vanator, deci iata pozele cu pieile de vulpe scoase de mama la aerisit!:))

This is the bar, or it can be used as a display credenza, I want it, but mom said no!:((
But  it would look great in my kitchen, mom!!!:))
Acesta e barul, sau poate fi folosit pentru o colectie interesanta de farfurii, il vreau, dar mama zice ca nu-l da!:((
Dar mama, ar arata grozav in bucataria mea!!:)

Or this one , if you cannot part with the other!:)
Sau asta, daca nu vrei sa-l dai pe celalalt!!:)

Antler chandelier that my father made, waaaay before antlers were a hit like they were in 2012.
This one is more than 25 years old..
Candelabru din coarne, cu 25 de ani inainte ca acestea sa fie un mare hit in 2012!

I love that it is almost as tall as the room itself and that my parents placed the antlers on top, giving the library even more height!
Imi place ca biblioteca e inalta aproape pana la tavan si ca parintii mei au pus coarnele acelea deasupra, astfel inaltand vizual biblioteca!

In front of the library were the two armchairs and the coffee table I took:
In fata bibliotecii erau cele doua fotolii si masuta care acum sunt la mine:

A true credenza, just as I like it!!
Un adevarat bufet, asa cum imi place mie!

My mom's drippy ceiling!:)
And I still love that rozette!
Tavanul cu picuri!:)
Inca imi place rozeta de pe tavan!

And the table and chairs, sporting that deep green velvet, the same as the one in the armchairs and the curtains!! The rug is also a jewel, as it is real wool, bought in Bucharest over 25 years ago, and to this day the colors are still saturated and it hasn't shed a bit!! Great quality!! And in love with the pattern!!
Iata masa cu scaune, impreuna cu fata de masa de catifea, aceeasi ca tapiteria din fotoliile de la mine si ca draperiile! Covorul este si el o adevarata bijuterie, e din lana 100%, mai greu de acizitionat acum din cauza pretului; acesta a fost cumparat din Bucuresti, acum 25 de ani, si chiar si acum culorile sunt perfecte, intense iar grosimea e aceeasi! Asta da calitate! Si modelele de pe el sunt de vis, nu credeti? 

This is it, guys!! My parents' interior design choices over 30 years ago!! I think they did a great job in creating a timeless, coherent look for the dining room!
What do you think? Do share!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acestea sunt alegerile parintilor mei acum 30 de ani!! Cred ca s-au descurcat foarte bine si au reusit sa creeze un look ce ramane elegant si clasic chiar si dupa 30 de ani!!
Ce parere aveti? Va place?


  1. Your mother's dining room has always been a hit. Something to dream of. It's stuff the royalties have...

    I must confess that I'd rather prefer light and bright colors nowadays if I were to choose. I'd go for Scandinavian design.
    And really, how would you integrate the credenza in the classy modern kitchen?

    What I always loved most at your mother's were: the dining room (all of it, the royal green in particular), the antlers wall dispaly in the bedroom, the antlers' chandeliers and the clothes hanger in the hallway. Such inspiration.

    Wouldn't your husband be thrilled to have fox fur rugs in the bedroom? :D

  2. My personall style is a mix modern with vintage pieces throughout. If mom gave me a piece from the dining room I think it would fit perfectly in my kitchen because I'd choose a darker color for the mdf pannels. You can check out my kitchen post in the Thursday HH Tour series to better understand what I'm talking about.:) I think it would look great, it's so me!!:)
    And I already took three of the fox furs, don't you worry!!:)) Other place for them, though...

  3. Ozana you dont have a botton for google friend. I can not follow for you and for me is difficult know when you write post . You understand ( my little English ) sorry


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!