Jan 8, 2013

Incorporating wood

Hello, friends!!
For those of you reading my posts, you already know we're desperately wanting to move to our new house, so you won't be surprised to find out that I'm constantly thinking of decorating rooms :)) It's always in the back of my mind, I think of incorporating gold, of small vignettes to create, of what style rug to use, should I layer rugs and so on, and on, and on like an obssessed old gal!:)) Lucky me, it only happens in my head, noone else can hear it.:)) so I'm not labelled as a lunatic...yet:)))
These days it's the living room. After obessessing over the bathrooms, the entrance or the kitchen, time has finally come to actually take action, and our budget now allows us to order the living room!!:)
Remember what I want:
Cei care au citit postarile mele de pana acum stiu deja ca moooor de nerabdare sa ma mut in casa noua!! Nu depinde insa de mine, ci de cumparatorii astia care vin sa ne vada apartamentul, se extaziaza ca e frumos si ca are bucataria mare, dar pleaca cu coada intre picioare dupa ce ne anunta senini : "Pacat ca nu avem toti banii!!" sau "Pacat ca e la etajul 4 si eu am rau de inaltime!!" Pai, frate, agentul ti-a spus si pretul si etajul inainte sa te aduca sa-mi vezi apartamentul, nu?!! Ori ti s-a a dezvoltat raul de inaltime instantaneu?!!:))  Eh, asta e, o sa vina si cumparatorul potrivit si cu banii necesari!!
Sa ne revenim, sa lasam oamenii in pace!!:) Nu va va mira deci prea tare sa va spun cum ca numai la amenajari interioare imi sta gandul! Dau medicamentele de raceala la fete, ma gandesc cum ar arata tavanul din sufragerie vopsit auriu (sotzul moare acum..), pun fata la olita, ma gandesc ca vopseaua aurie de la Benjamin Moore este 350 lei cutia, asta fara amorsa necesara (sotul ar trebui sa nu mai citesca acum, avem nevoie de el sanatos!), amestec in ciorba si planuiesc alta transformare a unei etajere Ikea !! Pana acum ma gandeam la asta singura, acum m-a luat gura pe dinainte, stiti toti, nu mai am scapare!:))
Zilele astea sunt obsedata de sufragerie. Peste cateva zile dam avansul si intr-o luna avem biblioteca. Asta:

The white stays white and the brown will be black. I'll choose glossy, shiny and perfect for the dust to easily show!:)) Anyways, this post is not about my living room, again, not entirely, at least, it's also about my current obessession: mixing white, black and wood. I've always loved black and white, especially in interior decor, but I found myself lingering for some warmth, for something to soften, to ground it and make it welcoming. I found wood!! And my personal style is in itself a mix of old and new, of modern and vintage, so throwing in the wood felt so me!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Albul ramane alb si maroul va fi negru lucios, atat de lucios incat o sa se vada tot praful la 3 secunde dupa ce-l sterg!! Atat de lucios o sa fie!!:) Noua mea obsesie: interioare in alb, negru si lemn. Mi-au placut intodeauna combinatiile de alb si negru, mi se par foarte elegante si pot fi foarte moderne sau clasice; in ultimul timp, insa, imi doream altceva integrat alaturi de alb si negru, ceva care sa incalzeasca atmosfera, sa-i dea un aer cald, clam si reconfortant. Am gasit solutia potrivita: LEMNUL!! Stilul meu preferat este un mix de modern si vintage, deci am gasit solutia perfecta. Iar fotoliile de la mama ma ajuta enorm!!
Here are some interiors sporting white, black and wood in a great way!!
Iata cateva interioare care imbina perfect albul, negrul si lemnul: 

To me, this is timeless!! And perfect!!

This room is so glam!! What I see here are the white walls, the black accent wall and the wooden floors!
What pops for me are the two green paintings on the left wall!! Genius!!
Ador peretele-accent de culoare neagra ce se imbina perfect cu lemnul podelelor!
Mie imi sar in ochi cele doua tablouri verzi, big like!

Again, the wood in the floors add character and warmth.
Loving the rich blue and what I see again is the touch of green!
Parchetul de lemn adauga caldura si caracter incaperii.
Ador albastrul intens si iarasi vad un strop de verde!:)

Gorgeous entry hall, wood flooring- perfect!
O intrare perfecta!!

This are the colors I want for my kitchen.
Acestea sunt culorile pe care le voi avea in bucatarie.

White, Black and Green- they will all be in my living room!!
Alb, negru si verde- culorile din livingul meu!!

Where is the wood, you ask? Well, in the floors!!:)
Unde o fi lemnul aici? Uitati-va la podele!!:)

I love the grey accent wall here and how the wood pops.
Peretele gri din dreapta e preferatul meu!! Scoate perfect in evidenta culoarea lemnulul!

I like darker wood but this is nice also.
Mi-ar placea un lemn mai inchis la culoare dar aici cel deschis se potriveste!

Loooooving black walls, but I'm not allowed...:(
That coffee table offers the room depth, don't you think?
Imi plac la nebunie peretii negri, dar eu nu am voie sa fac asta, sotul zice nu...:(
Masuta adauga profunzime si caldura camerei, nu vi se pare?

Most of these rooms incorporate wood by flooring, I won't do that, because I chose these floors and I'm in love- still!!!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Majoritatea interioarelor prezentate mai sus incorporeaza lemnul prin folosirea parchetului de lemn. Eu nu voi putea face asta pentru ca am ales acest parchet si inca sunt indragostita de el!:)

I will incorporate wood with the armchairs I finally brought from my mom's. They have a wooden frame, mahogony I say, and I now  have some photos to show you guys... The upholstery is deep green velvet, that's why this colors pops out to me in every photo:)). 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In living voi folosi cele doua fotolii de la mama, care au un cadru de lemn. Mie mi se pare a fi culoarea mahonului, dar nu sunt sigura! In sfarsit am facut poze ziua!!! Pana acum casa parea a fi rupta dintr-un film de groaza, dar acum va puteti da seama ca e foarte luminoasa!! Yeeey!!! Culoarea tapiteriei fotoliilor este un verde inchis saturat, materialul fiind o catifea grea. Sunt super incantata de ele!!

I have two of these babies, only one is  disassembled  because we didn't have  enough  space in the car  to carry them. I like the contrast between the grey in the floors, the white on the walls and the deep rich colors of the  wood and  upholstery!! Do you agree? And I like the armchairs because the back is so interesting!!!
 I'm planning go back to the roots :)))) with my living  room by using  my mom's  armchairs with  deep green upholstery and I'm preety sure I'll stick to my  decision  now to also have heavy green velvet drapery as my mom's!
Am doua astfel de fotolii, doar ca unul e dezmembrat saracul pentru ca nu a incaput in masina! Imi place cum arata verdele in contrast cu albul peretilor si griul parchetului, voua va place? Planuiesc sa o "copiez" pe mama, voi pune si eu draperii de catifea ca tapiterie, dintr-acelea grele, groase si pufoase. Sper sa gasesc!! Si sper sa nu-mi schimb decizia, desi nu cred ca o voi face!!:)

My mom's dining room.
Sufrageria mamei mele.

What do you say? Do you like this mix of white, black and wood, with grey accents and deep green in my living room?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ce spuneti? Va place mixul de alb, negru si lemn, cu accentele de gri si verde inchis din livingul meu?

All interior photos are from my Houzz account ozana81.


  1. Doamne cat de bine poate arata fotoliul !:D Abia astept sa cumperi biblioteca, o sa fi in al 9-lea cer:))Noroc cu mama ca intretine bine obiectele...si culmea:noi n-aveam culori/pixuri/creioane in copilarie?nu vad nicio "stanta" pe fotolii:))

  2. Pai cred ca tinea usa inchisa cu cheia, nu mai tii minte? Ca in rest eu imi amintesc peretii scrisi!!:))

  3. Peretii scrisi din celelalte camere, ca in sufragerie nu aveam voie sa ne jucam!!:))

  4. I love the mix of black and white and wood and have used that in my own home, and i love that I can throw any color in with it and it look great!

  5. Imi place combinatia de gri cu verde si zau, daca nu astept o invitatie scrisa la turul casei, intre primii zece norocosi!

  6. @myrna: yes, I also think it's preety versatile, you can use colors and patterns and it still works great!

    @clara: mi-ai dat cea mai tare idee: dupa ce ma mut si aranjez cat de cat casa, facem o petrecere sylish, cu 10-12 oameni, cu masa fancy, cu elegant drinks si, of course, cu invitatii scrise!! Pun asta pe lista mea de to-do!!:)

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Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!