For today I give you another happy house: Vanessa Francis' house, presented on her blog, Decor Happy!! I liked her house from the moment I saw it, as it is just up my alley, clean, airy, full of pops of colour, and I like some of her lighting choices a lot!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Astazi va arat inca o casa fericita, aceea a Vanessei Francis, prezentata pe blogul ei, Decor Happy!! Mi-a placut casa ei din primul moment, este curata, aerisita si draguta!! Iar griul cu pete de culoare, mai ales roz si albastru, este exact ce-mi place mie!!
I discovered a few years ago that I loved grey decors. And this one is fab because of the art wall and pops of colour!
Am descoperit acum cativa ani ca imi plac incaperile gri, ca aceasta, cu pete de culoare care o scot din anonimat!!
Perfect, right?
Perfect, nu?!
Beautiful coffee table dispaly.
Iata un aranjament frumos pe masuta de cafea.
A perfect dining room, the blue painting offers the space texture and character.
Un dining perfect, cu pictura aceasta albastra care confera spatiului textura si caracter!
The blue entrance announces a colorful and happy home!
How beautiful is the lighting?!
Intrarea albastra anunta o casa colorata!!
Nu e superb corpul de iluminat?!
This is her daughter's bedroom, I like the red with the grey.
Aceasta e camera fiicei, imi place rosul in combinatie cu griul.
Beautiful headboard!
O tablie de pat foarte fromoasa!
Colorful bookcase.
O biblioteca frumoasa!!
Craft station, which child wouldn't love this space?!
Biroul pentru joaca, nu e delicios??
Office space: who says storage can't be fun?!
Cine spune ca spatiul de depozitare intr-un birou nu poate fi colorat si amuzant?!
This is not her house, it's one of her projects, I had to share it with you.
I love it!! And the light is!!
Acest dining nu face parte din casa Vanessei, e unul din proiectele ei, dar imi place mult, de aceea vi-l prezint! Iar candelabrul: oooaauuuu!!!
So, what do you like most here?
Ce spuneti, va place casa aceasta??
All images via Decor Happy.
her dining table: white with different black chairs. lovely
ReplyDeleteYes... And if you look closely, the chairs are different.. I was going to suggest this for your kitchen, the Moroccan inspired-one... See how the host-chairs are differnt? See more about host chairs here:
Raramente una casa bella y llena de color . Yo pienso !!!como se consigue eso tan lindo!!!
Angelica, obtenir una casa tan bella, aerada y colorada parece muy facil, pero no creo que lo es.. Necesita un ojo cultivado en las decoraciones, yo pienso..
DeleteI noticed. So I said: different chairs :)