Many things are on my mind today, so let's put them in order:
I' ll be making the headboard for my bedroom, and I'll need to repair stapler, to buy foam, to finally decide on the fabric. I have this one:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O noua saptamana incepe, asta inseamna ca tocmai ce a trecut una, cam repede pentru gustul meu!! Sa speram ca aceasta saptamana e mai buna decat cea care a trecut...cel putin pentru mine nu a fost o saptamana prea buna!!
Am multe la care ma gandesc asa ca hai sa le pun in ordine:
Trebuie sa fac tablia tapitata pentru dormitorul meu, asa ca trebuie sa repar capsatorul, sa cumpar burete si sa ma decid ce material sa folosesc. Am acest material:
And this one:
Si asta:
And I have these gorgeous nails that I bought from China!!:)
Si am minunatiile astea din China!!:)
The shape is this:
Aceasta va fi forma tabliei:
Only I don't like it as much, so it needs a little cutting...
Mai trebuie retusata, nu sunt multumita de forma inca...
Here are the two fabrics:
Iata cele doua materiale:
Photo with no camera light
Fara blitz
Photo with camera light
Cu blitz
Of course, I really want what I couldn't find yet, that is black velvet. Now I've got a black non-velvet material, and a blue velvet one!! Maybe I'll dye the blue one.....
It all depends on the stapler, how soon it can be fixed, this is one cursed stapler, it had problems from the moment I ordered it, so... I'm kinda fed up with it!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bineinteles ca vreau ce nu am. Adica o catifea neagra, tare si pufoasa!! Am un material de draperie de culoarea negru, dar e putin lucioasa si nu sunt incantata si mai am catifeaua albastra, care o pot vopsi in negru, nu m-am hotarat inca ce sa fac!!
Totul depinde cat de repede imi repara capsatorul asta blestemat!! Am avut probleme cu el de cand l-am comandat!!
In two weeks time I'll have the furniture for the living room!!! Yeeeeyyyy!!!! Can't wait!!!!
In doua saptamani ar trebui sa am mobila de sufragerie!!! Uraaa!! De-abia astept!!!
Another thing on my mind: I'm waiting patiently for the Annie Sloan paint and waxes to come in the mail!! Yeeeyyy!!! Then I can finally start painting!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Astept cu nerabdare sa-mi soseasca vopseaua si ceara de la Annie Sloan!! Asa o sa ma pot apuca de vopsit!!
For my bedroom I'm really wanting something on the wall, like a wallpaper, but, as I want a big pattern, I realized I needed a mural. A photo wallpaper, and, searching online I found I liked birds and branches:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pe un perete din dormitor imi doresc cu ardoare un fototapet, initial am vrut un tapet, dar vreu ca modelul sa fie foarte mare, asa ca voi alege fototapetul! Am descoperit astfel ca-mi plac pasarile si crengile:
Wouldn't use this, but I like it...
Nu as pune lebada pe perete, dar imi place...
I like it cause it's simple and the branches are big!!
Imi place ca e simplu si ca sunt destul de mari crengile!!
Love this one!!
Preferatul meu!!
I'd do a black one!!
As pune unul negru!!
All images via Google
I know that photo wallpaper may be outdated, but for me, in the right decor, I think they'll work. What do you say about them? Would you use one?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stiu ca fototapetul e de pe vremea cand eram mici, eu aveam unul cu un lac !!, dar cred ca intr-un interior potrivit merge. Voi ce spuneti? Ati pune un fototapet intr-o camera??
Our old photo wallpaper sucked,you know that:)),but the ones they make nowadays are simply gorgeous!I would definitely use the one with the brances and coloured birds, or the one in black, it's like paintings on your wall!Your "chinese rhinestones" look amazing, but better on a black velvet, as you said!
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait for the final product!
I can't wait to see your headboard. I love velvet so I'm hoping you use the velvet fabric. As far as the mural wallpaper I really like the black & white ones with many branches and the one with the different coloured birds. Can't wait to see which you choose.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm lucky enough to find balck velevet, that would really be me!!
DeleteOzana que linda la forma del respaldo de cama que te vas a hacer. estoy ansiosa por ver como te queda
ReplyDeleteMe encantan las imagenes con´pajaros