Jul 29, 2013

Romanian talent: painter Aleha Nastase

Happy Monday, peeps!! Let's start this week artistically and let me introduce you to a painter I love for her feminine portraits. The women she depicts seem to come from the catwalk, her style is so easily recognizable, and the colours she uses are dreamy and soft.. I am so wanting to have one of her paintings in my house, and I think I will some day!! Take a look at some of my favourites:

She also does abstracts, which I love:

And animals:

Would love a zebra in my kitchen, have the perfect wall for it!!

And she also creates some amazing collars:

Talk about talent and creativity, right?!
What say you, folks? Are you fond of these feminine portraits? I know I am!!


Images  Aleha Nastase.


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!