Oct 28, 2014

White and gold bar cart

Hey, how are you all doing? It's such a gloomy day today, here, in Romania, so I decided to fight the lack of light:) and still take a few snaps of my new vintage bar cart. I couldn't be happier with it, although I am not using it for its original purpose; for my needs, it is just another place to display stuff (and one more place to dust!:). Here is the newest most loved spot in my living room:

I should get another planter, for now I just used a marker to add some fun!

I plan to use it for drinks and snacks as soon as I throw a party! I am going to show you how I style it then, this is it for now! What do you think?



  1. hola Ozana querida! asi que el tiempo esta feo en Rumania !! animo..... y que lindo ese bar carro .. yo sueño con uno asi para servir aperitivos.. me encanta la combinacion blanco con dorado

  2. Hi Ozana! I think you dressed it up very nicely! It's fun accent piece to have. You can change it up as soon as you decide to entertain!

  3. WOW! What a great piece Ozana! Tea carts/bar carts have really caught my eye recently. Yours is fabulous! I love all the different things you've used to style it. And the pot is amazing! I would have never guessed! This is a wonderful post to brighten anyone's gloomy day.

    Blessings, Edie Marie


Have an opinion? Do share!! Thanks!!